Best Wildfire mule

Best Coast 'WildFire Mule'

Best Coast WildFire  Mules are always a great cocktail to have on hand, and they’re so quick and easy to make. You can whip one up at any time with just 4 ingredients- WildFire, ginger beer, fresh lime juice, and mint! All you need is the right recipe and some simple steps for this perfect reinvented old classic cocktail. Best Coast WildFire Mules


  • 2 ounces of WildFire Whisky
  • Lime Juice from 1/2 lime
  • Agave Syrup or Simple Syrup
  • Top up with Ginger Beer
  • Sprig of mint


Add ingredients over ice

Muddle Mint slightly, top up with Ginger Beer

Serve in Chilled glass…
