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Seriously, please SHOW OFF! Show the world your coolest pictures from whatever you do to relax, have fun or just like being around the Coast. We will choose a few submitted pictures every Best Coast label print run and give YOU the spotlight to SHOW OFF!
To be clear… BEST COAST does NOT mean just the West Coast of Canada. Our philosophy is that the BEST COAST is simply the Best place you are that includes an ocean, sea or beach.
Best Coast is a feeling, the heart-pumping thrill of getting off a plane in winter and running to the beach with your bathing suit half on to hit the water as fast as you can, and the place you dread leaving when it’s time to go. (Unless you live near an ocean like we do)
It’s about activity. Fishing, hiking, kayaking, surfing, swimming, BBQ’ing, socializing, and of course having a few responsible drinks to celebrate the day.
With this in mind, we specifically designed our bottle labels to enable YOU to send in photos of your BEST COAST experiences! In return, we will be selecting some of these photos and placing them on our label and naming you as the photographer even your social handle if you prefer! Simply post your image on Instagram or Facebook and tag #Bestcoastshowoff and we will contact you if your photo is chosen… it’s that easy!
Let’s do this!