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Media Inquiries
and requests for information

Please direct all media and event inquiries to :

Corey Wood, Director of Sales and Marketing

E: sales@

P: (250.888.5044)

Images available

Product Sheets

The following images may be used with our permission for media purposes. 

*Please cite Best Coast Distillers 


  1. Cold Brew Coffee-Product image
  2. Cold Brew Coffee Sweetened-Product image
  3. WildFire Whisky-Product image
  4. Agricole Rum-Product image
  5. Sorghum Cane Crop image.
  6. Agave Crop image
  1. Cold Brew Coffee Whisky’s Product sheet
  2. WildFire Whisky Product sheet
  3. Agricole Rum Product sheet


Best Coast Distillers proudly sponsors the Tasting Room Radio and Mulligan Stew Podcast productions with host Terry David Mulligan!